One-day Wonders — Pt. 2

Some songs have been recorded umpteen times, and sometimes it is difficult to find out how many versions actually exist. At the other end of the spectrum, many a treasure is hidden that, despite its often well-known composers, lyricists and performers, has only been recorded once. They deserve just as much not to be unheard—so let’s clear the stage for these one-day wonders!

1. Carlos Lacerda: Desintegração (Alcyvando Luz – Ildásio Tavares – Djalma Corrêia) from the album Piano de Informal (e Bossa) (1967, JS Discos JLP 9003), with Carlos Lacerda on piano, Moacyr Albuquerque on bass and Tutty Moreno on drums, arranged by Carlos Lacerda

Artwork for Piano de Informal (e Bossa) by Héctor Julio Páride Bernabó aka Carybé

2. Geraldo Vandré: Ninguem Pode Mais Sofrer (Geraldo Vandré – Luiz Roberto) from the album Geraldo Vandré (1964, Áudio Fidelity AFLP-2008), with Luiz Roberto on violin and Sambalanço Trio: César Camargo Mariano on piano, Humberto Clayber on bass and Airto Moreira on drums, arranged by Moacir Santos


3. Salvador Trio: Iluminando o Vazio (Dom Salvador – Regina Werneck) from the album Tristeza (1966, Mocambo LP 40320), with Dom Salvador on piano, Sérgio Barroso on bass, Édison Machado on drums and strings arranged by Lindolpho Gaya


4. Joran Coelho: Oração de um só (Ely Arcoverde – Joran Coelho) from the single Balanço de um Eco em Fuga b/w Oração de um só (1965, Chantecler C-33-6085)


5. Bossa Três: Buzios (Luiz Carlos Vinhas) from the album Bossa Três em Forma! (1965, Forma FM-6), Luis Carlos Vinhas on piano, Otávio Baily on bass and Ronnie Mesquita on drums

6. Leny Andrade: Banzo (Marcos Valle – Odilon Olyntho) from the album Estamos Aí (1965, Odeon MOFB 3428), arranged by Eumir Deodato, directed by Lyrio Panicali

Artwork for Estamos Aí by Moacyr Rochea with photograph by Mafra

7. Os Cobras: Depois de Amor (Orlann Divo – Roberto Jorge) from the album O LP (1964, RCA Victor BBL 1290), with Tenório Júnior on piano, Paulo Moura on alto sax, Raul de Souza on trombone, Hamilton on piston, José Carlos “Zezinho” on bass, Milton Banana on drums, arranged by Paulo Moura


8. Wilson Simonal: Enxugue os Olhos (Chico Feitosa – José Guimarães) from the abum Vou Deixar Cair (1966, Odeon MOFB 3470), with Som Três: César Camargo Mariano on piano, Sebastião “Sabá” Oliveira Da Paz on bass and Antônio “Toninho” Pinheiro on drums, arranged by Lyrio Panicali and directed by Nelsinho.

Artwork for Vou Deixar Cair by Moacyr Rocha with photograph by Klaus Werner

9. Aécio Flávio: Mop Mop (Álvaro Santos) from the album O Melhor da Noite (1964, Polydor LPNG 4087), with Aécio Flávio on vibraphone, Toledo „Washington“ Pires on piano, Leopoldino “Dino” de Araújo Ganfra on alto saxophone, Plinio De Salles on trumpet, Geraldo “Waltinho” Walter on drums, arranged by Aécio Flávio

Artwork for
O Melhor da Noiteby Paulo Bréves with photograph by Mafra

10. Neyde Fraga: Dor de Separar (Hilton Accioli – Roberto Luna) from the album Mais Balanço com Neyde Fraga (1965, Continental PPL 12199), with orchestra conducted by Érlon Chaves.


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