No. 22 — Pages 30–31: Ely Arcoverde | Os Cobras | Zumba-Cinco | Os Cinco-Pados

  • Dorival Caymmi, Antônio Carlos Jobim — Caymmi Visita Tom
    (1964) Elenco ME-17
  • Os Cinco-Pados — Os Cinco-Pados
    (1964) Chantecler CMG 2300
  • Zumba Cinco — Zumba Cinco
    (1965) Musidisc Hi-Fi 2128
  • A Voz do Morro — Roda de Samba
    (1965) Musidisc Hi-Fi 2114
  • Inezita Barroso — Canto da Saudade
    (1959) Copacabana CLP 11111
  • Os Poligonais — Os Poligonais
    (1964) RCA Victor BBL 1293
  • Ely Arcoverde — Ely Arcoverde Quarteto
    (1965) RGE XRLP 5279
  • Os Cobras — Os Cobras
    (1960) Chantecler CLP 11168


This double-page spread from the book features soloist Ely Arcoverde and jazzy groups Os Cobras, Zumba Cinco and Os Cinco-Pados.

Curiously enough, biographical data of Ely Arcoverde seems unavailable. Though being also as composer and orchestra leader, he became famous as organist and pianist during the sixties, always playing his own style quite different from the rest of Brazil’s numerous organists. Ely Arcoverde released nine orginal albums from 1963 to 1976, including the very enjoyable O Órgão Que Canta Sambas Vol. 1-2 with orchestra and chorus arranged and conducted by Waldemiro Lemke.

Playlist Ely Arcoverde:
1. Não Tem Solução (Dorival Caymmi – Carlos Guinle) from the album O Órgão Que Canta Sambas (1963)
2. Sambão (Agostinho dos Santos) from the album Balanço, Balanço, Balanço (1964)
3. Madame Fulano de Tal (Cyro Monteiro – Dias da Cruz) from the album O Órgão Que Canta Sambas Vol. 2 (1963)
4. O Morro Não Tem Vez (Antônio Carlos Jobim – Vinícius de Moraes) from the album O Órgão Que Canta Sambas Vol. 2 (1963)
5. Balanço de um Éco em Fuga (Ely Arcoverde – Joran Coelho) from the album Ely Arcoverde Quarteto (1965)
6. Zelão (Sérgio Ricardo) from the album O Órgão Que Canta Sambas Vol. 2 (1963)

The artwork for Ely Arcoverde Quarteto is by Carlos Fajardo with photographs by Viviane Dias.

Os Cobras was the name of two outfits with different line-ups, first in 1960 and then again in 1964. (For the “other” Os Cobras see → No. 32) Unfortunately, both groups emerged as one-time all star projects. Moacyr Silva on tenor sax, Chaim Lewak on piano, Edmundo Maciel on trombone, Julinho Barbosa on cornet, Waltel Branco on guitar and Paulo Fernando de Magalhães ‘Paulinho’ on drums were the first to be Os Cobras on the 1960 album of the same name, playing a colourful mix of jazz, bolero, fox and samba.

Playlist Os Cobras:
1. A Flor do Amor (Joluz – Waltel Branco) from the album Os Cobras (1960)
2. Bateria Maluco (Cipó) from the album Os Cobras (1960)
3. Athena (Hugh Martin – Ralph Blane – Bert Pollock) from the album Os Cobras (1960)

The artwork for Os Cobras is uncredited.


The artwork for Caymmi Visita Tom is by Eddie Moyna with photographs by Francisco Pereira.


Zumba Cinco consisted of Ivan Botticelli (a descendent of Sandro Botticelli) on piano, Fernando Maxnuk on vibraphone, Ernesto Ribeiro Gonçalves on guitar, Anníbal Ribeiro Gonçalves on bass and Antônio Carlos Leite on drums. As soloists they played with notable acts like Leny Andrade, Mário Castro Neves and Chiquinho do Acordeom. As a group they enjoyed only one release, the self-titled 1965 album with songs by Milt Jackson, Marcos Valle and João Theodoro Meirelles.

Playlist Zumba Cinco:
1. Django (John Lewis) from the album Zumba Cinco (1965)
2. Preciso Aprender a Ser Só (Marcos Valle – Paulo Sérgio Valle) from the album Zumba Cinco (1965)
3. Bem de Amar (Fernando Maxnuk – Alfredo Cruz) from the album Zumba Cinco (1965)

The artwork for Zumba Cinco is by Joselito with photographs by Mafra.

The artwork for Os Poligonais is by J. Moreira with photographs by Nicanor.


Details on Os Cinco-Pados are hard to track except for the line-up listed on the back cover: Carlos Alberto Alcântara on tenor sax, Dorival Auriani ‘Buda’ on trumpet, Heraldo do Monte on guitar, Gabriel Bahlis on bass and Arrundinha on drums. The few sources available are self-contradictory, sometimes indicating Héctor Costita as the saxophonist, but according to Bossa Nova e Outras Bossas by Caetano Rodrigues and Charles Gavin it was Alcântara. Like so many Brazilian jazz groups of the mid-sixties, Os Cinco-Pados released only one album.

Playlist Os Cinco-Pados:
1. Milestones (Miles Davis) from the album Os Cinco-Pados (1964)
2. Menina Flor (Luiz Bonfá – Maria Helena Toledo) from the album Os Cinco-Pados (1964)
3. Chitlins con Carne (Kenny Burrell) from the album Os Cinco-Pados (1964)

The artwork for Os Cinco-Pados is uncredited.

Even though singer and instrumentalist Inezita Barroso is not featured here with additional information, the uncredited artwork for Canto da Saudade has to be showcased in full size for its beauty.


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